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All Inclusive Boarding at Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts

With an unwavering commitment to provide a safe, fun, and clean environment for Pets, Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts offers premium ALL-INCLUSIVE Pet Boarding in Parker and Littleton, CO. Our focus is to curate an engaging and enjoyable stay for your beloved Pet. Catering to pets of all shapes and sizes, our Boarding services stand above the competition by going the extra mile to ensure your companion gets the love, attention, and affection they deserve while you’re away. We don’t charge extra for these standard amenities to ensure your pet is as comfortable as possible:

  • Fresh bedding daily
  • Up to two meals per day of owner-provided food
  • Daily attention and affection from our professional staff
  • Daily wellness checks by our First Aid/CPR Certified Team
  • Access to our year-round heated swimming pools or one of our fun Puppy Pools
  • Access to indoor and outdoor play areas
  • Prescription medication administration
  • Chew Toys
  • Treats

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker   Littleton

Dog Boarding Room Rates

We offer 84 Canine Guest Rooms in four different price ranges. For regular room Boarding rates, we charge by the room size per night. All prices listed below include our full Amenity Package. There is a second Dog discount for a dog in the same room. For families looking to board more than two Dogs, speak with one of our friendly front desk representatives about scheduling your stay.

Room Size1 DogEach Additional Dog Suitable for:
Room Size4x41 Dog$50Each Additional Dog $45Suitable for:Comfortable for Dogs 30 pounds and under
Room Size4x81 Dog$64Each Additional Dog $59Suitable for:Comfortable for Most Dogs
Room Size5x81 Dog$70Each Additional Dog $65Suitable for:Queen Suite Comfortable for Most Dogs & Families
Room Size8x81 Dog$83Each Additional Dog $78Suitable for:King Suite Most Comfort & Space for All Dogs & Families

*Baths and nail trims are available at an additional cost. Ask about our Spa Services.

We offer an exclusive VIP boarding experience, follow the link below to find out more. 

Cat Boarding

Come Sit Stay has a dedicated Cattery in each of our locations. The rooms are secure and have their own ventilation systems to keep your cats calm and comfortable. The condos are designed for one adult cat, and have a separate area for their litter box. Cats get love, affection, and time outside of their condos each day. Feel good about going on vacation, your feline friend is in good hands with Come Sit Stay!

Cat Boarding Rates

Cat Condo Size1 CatEach Additional CatSuitable for:
Cat Condo Size2x3x31 Cat$33Each Additional Cat$30Suitable for:One Adult Cat

* The second cat discount applies to a second cat in a separate condo


Spa Services

Take home a fresh & clean Pup at the end of their vacation or after a fun day of DayPlay. Baths and nail trims are available for an additional charge. Ask our Front Desk about our Spa Services.

Spa Services

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton