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Group Dog Training Classes

Our group classes are designed for Puppies and adults alike.

  • The Level I/AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) course lays a solid foundation for basic training, manners, and socializing with other Dogs. It runs weekly for five weeks, perfect for even-tempered Dogs that thrive in group environments.
  • For Puppies six months and younger, we offer the Puppy S.T.A.R. class. This five-week limited enrollment course focuses on basic skills to foster a strong bond with your Puppy and begin socialization with the other Puppies.

Our price for all of our Group Training Classes is $300

Group Dog Training Class Schedule

ClassStart DateTimeDuration
ClassLevel I / CGCStart DateTuesday September 10thTimeTuesdays 6-7 PMDuration 5 Weeks

Note, all group classes are held at our Littleton Location!

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton